Dream Interpretation

0:00:00 Atmosphere Prayer
0:20:47 Dreams
0:43:40 Spirit Dreams and Soul Dreams
0:63:01 Interpretation
0:70:47 Healing
0:80:24 Heaven is Real Dreamy
0:85:08 QA
0:98:44 Sample Dream Interpretation
1:18:40 Announcing Cohort Small Groups


I have eternal riches that far outweigh any earthly concerns. 

I compassionately provide what you need for your life on earth, but never let temporal blessings substitute for the greater gifts I want for you.  Be careful, for the replacement of Me as your sole provider can be subtle.  Be completely free by a readiness to let go of everything you have for My sake.  When you hold on too closely to the things of the world, you restrict your range of influence.

Is anything that is clinging to you at this moment worth more than our relationship?  Believe Me that I provide better each and every time you let go of something.  I can do that 100 times, 1000 times, forever.  Enjoy the relief of knowing you don’t need to fear letting go of anything.  I am your personal source.

I live for you and I desire to bring My best for you.  But let Me be the primary determiner of what that is.  My gifts are based on My eternal love for you.  I give them with your eternity in mind for one day the curtain will close on the stage of this world.

I long to draw you closer and closer to the day you will see Me perfectly face-to-face.  Live today for that day and know it will surpass all that you have known.

”Seek first the Kingdom and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Matthew 6:33