Those enrolled in the UNCORKelevate Healing Mentoring Program have the option to join these Mastermind small group workshops for determined focus on healing manifestations.
Vibrant Faith — Addressing Core Needs of Women of Color in Leadership
led by CeCelyn (CeCe) DennisLeadership II — Building Community Economies of More Fruitful Living
led by Zia & Dave Nevins
Please contact us at with questions and to confirm attendance,
VIBRANT FAITH MASTERMIND: Addressing Core Needs of Women of Color in Leadership
Led by Cece Dennis with support by Zia & Dave as requested.
Cecelyn’s Story
I found UNCORKgenius in 2019 or 2020. Wow, has it been nearly 5 years already?! When I came to UNCORK I had some major holes in my soul. Some so deep that it literally felt like I was in quicksand. I lost my voice and was emotionally estranged from the world including my close relatives and GOD. Being the intuitive researcher that I am, I just knew there had to be some other way. I just knew there had to be a reason deeper than what traditional church and even prophetic circles were telling me. I needed to be Holy Spirit led to the unconventional truth as I grew to realize that God was calling me to live an unconventional life of freedom. At that point I began to walk into freedom in mind, body, and soul in which unfortunately many of the generations before me had never experienced. So, by God’s grace I AM HERE. I HAVE A VOICE IN THE MATTER. I am here to reclaim what was lost in my life and from generations because it is MINE, and I truly believe that my Heavenly Father takes delight in me taking the good stuff back and throwing out the junk!
Willing to be an active participant in UNCORKelevate. Signing up to this Mastermind means automatic discounted enrollment to UNCORKelevate!
Identifies as a woman of color.
From Zia & Dave — Cece was already a leader when we met her. And her relationship with the Holy Spirit was handled, but like many that come to see us, we got the privilege of walking with her into deeper waters. Over time we’ve witnessed Cece allow God into familyline patterns and heal deep broken places. From there she began stepping into a new VIBRANT identity. She truly lives the message she brings. It’s something she is developing with God on her own. UNCORK was always just a happy witness to what God was always doing with Cece. We love the artwork of the Holy Spirit that is Cece and highly recommend following her into creative journeying with God.
Cece’s Focus for the Vibrant Faith Mastermind – With every transformation and every step, I learned in the past 5 years that God was making me into the leader that I had always needed. I’m excited to address the specific challenges that Women of Color face as well as facilitating our development into the bold, confident, and VIBRANT leaders of their dreams. In this mastermind, we will journey into allowing God to overcome Imposter Syndrome, old family patterns, overwork, overfunctioning, relationship burdens, and shame cycles in an incubator of safety and communion. For me, women of color face special challenges that we aim to tackle together to restore the vibrancy of our identity in faith, leadership, and creative spark! Not only will we set ourselves on a journey to walk out of old patterns, but we’ll be developing new patterns of creativity, self care, and developing individual gifting and identity together. You are so welcome to come with us and get nourished by the Holy Spirit.
LEADERSHIP II MASTERMIND: Building Community Economies of More Fruitful Living
Led by Zia & Dave
Zia & Dave
See Team page for bio.
Attended and completed Leadership I
Completed in-house presentation during Leadership I
Have completed at least 2 home group meetings with at least 2 non-UNCORK attendees.
Intend to complete at least 4 home group meetings with at least 2 non-UNCORK attendees by March 1 2025 for a total of 6 meetings. Those who do not meet this benchmark will need to move out of group at this point.
This Mastermind is considered a continuation and combination of Gravity II (Building New Economies Accelerated Mastermind) and Leadership I.
We will explore together various levels of cultivating economy – inner economy, family economy, neighborhood economies, community economy, etc.
Relevant words – cultivation, generation, multiplication. We will explore together what it means to “put yourself out there” in the public and community marketplace. A huge part of this mastermind will be spent cultivating various ways in which we tell our stories and the stories of the communities we are building. We will also require twice monthly deliverables to focus more on “daily bread” approach over a final product approach – a little different from Leadership I that way.
We are also interested in engaging physical space – public and private, materiality, and land toward growing new communities of faith.
Twice-monthly video to be posted on TikTok as we’ve been doing in the Building New Economies Mastermind to document progress.
At least one UNCORKgenius community presentation.
Continuation of home community engagement. At least 4 by March for a total of 6.
Twice monthly meetings will be focused on “how local group is going” and how to elevate these experiences for attendees.
9 meetings needed for UNCORKelevate Mastermind Facilitation Certification
Two Mastermind live sessions per month. See mercy pricing rubric on Mastermind page (here)
Facebook group, chat, and recordings avl for all attendees.
UNCORKelevate CORE are not automatically included for Leadership Masterminds.
Request from us a link for both Leadership and UNCORKelevate.