Key Prayers

Here are some common scripts for UNCORKelevate! (Please do not pass around, since we’ll be incorporating them into a future book.)

These are not meant to be mechanical prayers, but rather are guides to help us learn ways of the Spirit. The simple point is that anything that affects your relationship with God can be healed. We allow God to love us in all areas!

Dave & Zia



1.  Repentance

  • God I repent for protecting myself with/from [ any current or future fear ] back through my family line. I allow you to protect me instead.

  • I allow you into what supports this fear: [ my spirit, soul, will, intellect, emotions, demonic connections, strongholds, devices ] and the soul kids that support this fear.

  • Please send this system to Heaven.

[ Alternate version ]

  • Replace line 1 with: “God I repent for protecting myself with/from the system where I’ve been orphaned / enslaved; and not fathered, mothered, bride-groomed by you.”

2.  Forgiveness

  • Parents, I forgive you for being like this authority that has hurt me by _____.

  • Authority I don’t like, I forgive you for being like my parents by ____.

  • God (Father, Holy Spirit) I forgive you for being like my parents by ____.

  • Parents, I forgive you for being like God by ____.

I renounce the lie that you are like this God. I allow you to change my spirit, soul, body; my will, intellect, emotions, about what you’re really like.  I allow you to meet my needs to Heaven’s standards, and not to my parents’ / authority’s standards.

[ repeat as needed ] 

3.  Harmonize Child Parts

  • God I allow you into the alters (inner kids) that feel _______.
    E.g.,: overwhelmed when I _____, sad when I _____, scared when I _____.

  • I allow you into the child parts around ______ (person’s name or situation)

  • I allow you into the [ my first name ] [ false identities ] where I protect myself by being what I’m not.

  • I allow you into the protector that uses my will to ______.
    I allow you into the protector that uses my intellect to ______.
    I allow you into the protector that uses my emotions to  ______.


SELF-SABOTAGE PRAYER  (variation of child part prayer)

  1. I repent for protecting myself with/from not wanting Heaven on earth, and doing your job; because I want the bad thing to happen, and where I think it’s righteous for the bad thing to happen.

  2. God, please send the self-sabotaging inner kids to Heaven.

  3. Jesus please show me the child parts. I give you permission to heal the parts.
    [Look around for the part in Heaven for where it is. (e.g. memories, timelines, galactic realm)]

  4. [Talk to the part:]
    Thank you for protecting me, sacrificing, and loving me by doing a good job. However, it’s time to give that old job to Jesus. He is the best at that job, and you’ll feel better.

    [See what Jesus is doing.  Usually there is an object they give him and he gives them something back.]



  1. Repentance

  2. Sending to Heaven

  3. Ghost Healing

  4. Child Parts

  5. Forgiveness

  6. Sabotage Parts

  7. Sowing Life Again

1. Repentance

[ Basic version: ]

  • God I repent for protecting myself with/from [ the stronghold ] back through my family line.

  • I allow you to protect me instead. I allow you into the [my spirit, soul, body, will, intellect, emotions, child part, demonic, stronghold, device] and the soul kids (i.e., alters, parts) that support this.

[ Alternate for how the stronghold made you feel. Replace line 1 above with:]

  • God I repent for protecting myself with/from [ the stronghold ] where I’ve been orphaned/enslaved and not fathered, mothered, bride-groomed. I allow you to protect me instead.

2.  Sending to Heaven

  • I ask you to send this system to Heaven to be unraveled.

  • I ask you to send whatever’s trafficking this system to Heaven.

3. Ghost Healing

  • Jesus I repent for the system around the ghost.

  • I ask you to send the system around the ghost to Heaven. 

  • Jesus please show them your face.

  • [ To the ghost: ] All of you, anybody who can hear my voice, please give your life to Jesus.  He’ll give you his life, your life will be rescued, and you’ll receive your inheritance.

  • Jesus please show me what’s going on.            

[ Allow God to show you what idol is being exchanged for healing.]

4.  Child Parts

Prayer for Yourself

  1. God I allow you into the child parts (alters, inner kids) that feel _______.
    (e.g, “overwhelmed, sad, scared when I _____”)

  2. I allow you into the child parts around ______. [person’s name or situation] 

  3. I allow you into the [ my first name ]  [false identities] where I protect myself by being what I am not.

I allow you into the protector that uses my will to ______.
I allow you into the protector that uses my intellect to ______.
I allow you into the protector that uses my emotions to ______.

Prayer from Healing Coach

  • God please send the event with Little [ child part name ] to Heaven.

  • God please come in and heal the situation.

[ Adult talks to child part: ]

  • Little [ child part name ], I love you and appreciate you.

  • Thank you for protecting me when no one else would. Thank you for being so strong. Thank you for defending me.

  • Jesus, please show [ the adult ] what the child is giving to you God, and what you are giving them back.

[ Look in the spirit to see what’s happening. ]

5. Forgiveness

  • Parents I forgive you for being like this authority that has hurt me by _____.

  • Authority I don’t like, I forgive you for being like my parents by ____.

  • God (Father, Holy Spirit) I forgive you for being like my parents by ____.

  • Parents I forgive you for being like God by ____.
    [ repeat as needed with siblings or anyone ]

  • I renounce the lie that you are like this, God.
    God I allow you to change my will, intellect, emotions about what you’re really like.  I allow you to meet my needs to Heaven’s standards, and not to my parents / authority’s standards.

6. Starving Sabotage Parts

  • God I repent for where I don’t want on earth as it is in Heaven, around getting fed in this area.

  • God I repent for where I want to be starved in this place, where I think I should be starved in this place.

I ask you to send this to Heaven.

7. Sowing New Life

  • God I sow to you my life again.

  • I sow to you my time again.

  • I sow to you my energy again.

  • I sow to you what the enemy has stolen through the [ people, places and things ] that stole from me.

  • I sow to you what the enemy wants to steal through these [ people, places and things that I know ].

[ Note: sow to God what is too heavy, what has been stolen, what feels like it could be stolen. ]



Often your child parts (micro) are not accessible without first addressing the larger structures (macro) 

  • Look around for land structural patterns

  • Ask God to show you the blessings / curses of the geographic area.

  • “Sense” into the geography, almost like feeling into the emotions of a person. Feel into the emotions of the place.  Is it sadness, rejection, abandonment, shame, etc.? Often you can feel the disappointment / shame / etc.; just as you would with a person.

  • Ask God to show you the trauma. Use the Spirit temperaments insights for extra intel. Just as with child parts: do inner healing prayers, but for the geographic area:

  1. Repent with person connected to the area, as far as God gives authority for doing God’s job to protect by doing the sin; or by protecting being sinned against.  Repent for the geography, all the way back through the generations. Invite God to send the area to Heaven.

  2. Forgive all associated and release the area from judgment.  Release God from being judged.

  3. Invite God to be in charge, and receive the associated blessings God designed for the land, on earth as it is in Heaven. 

Usually the Spirit will direct you. Repeat for best results. 



1. Where do you hurt?
Ask God where your hurt first happened (e.g. family). Ask God where the past and present meet. Ask God if there a memory

2.  Ask God if this pattern is mirrored in the ethnic or national history. E.g., jealous between nations, boundaries between nations. Clues it’s a macro wound:  repenting doesn’t release the pain, it’s a large wound, you can see the pattern.

3.  Repent for the system.
“God I repent for the parallel system, for me, my family, generations, ethnicity, geographic area, church, season of culture, etc.; I repent for any child parts within me; where: We have done your job protecting ourselves from this. We have done this, and have wanted this done to us.
We receive the opposite, our inheritance on earth as it is in Heaven.

4.   “Jesus please bring Heaven onto all the associated systems: family, generational, geographic, timelines, etc.
Jesus we forgive all involved, and release all from judgment. Jesus we receive your prsence in this situation.”

5.   “Jesus, please show me specifics on what you are doing, and what how you want me to cooperate.” Wait on Jesus.

6.  If you are stuck or done hear, ask Jesus or others to reveal the hidden, related lie that is keeping things stuck. Wait on Jesus.
Repent for cooperating with the lie. Rinse, lather, repeat until especially shiny and beauteous. 

7.  Receive the healing, thank God and enjoy.



  • “Jesus I repent for protecting myself with/from being boxed in, from trusting in something illegitimate, from over complication, from superficiality. I allow you to lead me in understanding my identity.

  • I repent for any family-line, church, ethnic, national, geographic, time season or any other macro system connected to me that is protecting itself, doing your job. I ask you to bring to Heaven any related trafficking system and release your inheritance. I allow you to give me your freedom, legitimacy, nurture, and substance; and greater revelation of your personality in mine.”

  • I repent wherever a part of me doesn’t want on earth as it is in Heaven for any place where child parts want to be in charge of my personality, or what it means to be me. Also where this came through my family-line, church, ethnic, national, geographic, time season or any other macro system connected to me.

  • I ask you to bring to Heaven any related trafficking system and release your inheritance.

  • I receive your personality through mine. I receive any specifics you want to show me.


“Jesus I repent for any family-line, church, ethnic, national, geographic, time season or any other macro system connected to me that is protecting itself and doing your job around __ __ __ __. [These four blanks are what the four letters represent ] Jesus send this to heaven. I repent wherever a part of me doesn’t want on earth as it is in Heaven around my compliment:  __ __ __ __. 

 I forgive all who taught me do to protect myself.

  • God, I receive my __ __ __ __ qualities.

  • God, I receive your __ __ __ __ qualities.

  • God, I receive others __ __ __ __ qualities.

I receive any specifics you want to show me.”


Prophet, Servant, Teacher, Exhorter, Giver, Ruler, Mercy

  • Ask permission to bless their spirit. Ask them to receive what is from God; ignore the rest.

  • If not upfront, invite their spirit to the front.

  • Pray with God’s authority through ours, and with their permission. Ask God to go beyond our authority.

  • Look around in the spirit realm. See what needs love. Love grows by loving.

  • Not primarily inner healing prayer, but simply agreeing with God. E.g., “Servant portion: you get to be loved more by God. 


E.g., Prophet portion: 

  • “God loves you.”

  • “God loves to speak to you. “

  • “Jesus gave his life to talk to you.”

  • “You get to simply receive.” “You don’t have to pay for your prophet abilities.”

  • “You have the power to sense the supernatural.” “You get to to sense more.”

  • “Your ability to sense God is unique.”

  • “Bible: The Holy Spirit mentors you into all truth.”


  • Prophet - [name], the Holy Spirit mentors you into all truth.

  • Servant - [name], Jesus came to serve you.

  • Teacher - [name], you have the mind of Christ.

  • Exhorter - [name], the joy of God is your power.

  • Giver - [name], it’s the Father’s pleasure to give to you.

  • Ruler - [name], you share the throne with Christ.

  • Mercy - [name], mercy triumphs over judgment. 


God I repent for where I don’t want on earth as it is in heaven around my child parts.

Where I  have soul kids (child part alters) that:

  • Enjoy being the judge and jury

  • Enjoy being judged

  • Want to be impoverished

  • Want God to be a bad guy so they won’t have to do anything

  • Want others to be bad so I can feel good

  • God I repent for any place I don’t want on earth as it is in Heaven around receiving gifts.

Holy Spirit:  what am I supposed to be receiving instead of those old patterns?   

[ wait on the Spirit. Ask God to show you how the soul kids are making an exchange with God ] 


  1. Jesus I surrender and sow every unhealthy emotional connection I have with my _____. I allow you to be 100% in charge of my stewardship.

  2. Jesus I repent for any system where there is a unhealthy connection between time and money, in me, my child parts my family line. I allow you to send it to Heaven and dismantle it. [Be prepared to see strongholds, child parts, ghosts.]

  3. Jesus I repent for any system with an unhealthy connection between hours worked and fruitfulness, in myself, my child parts, my family line; where there’s no strategic Holy Spirit leverage; where it’s just brute force slavery labor with no Sabbath. I ask you to send this to Heaven. [Be prepared to see strongholds, child parts, ghosts.]

  4. Jesus, I repent for any system where I am in charge of my time and seasons. I sow these to you and I as you to send these to Heaven. I surrender the calendar to the Lord, and the timeline, and the first fruits to you, Lord. I ask you to send all these things to Heaven for me, my child parts, my family. I ask you to send to Heaven whatever the enemy is trying to steal.

  5. Jesus please show us your face and how you want us to connect to you in this season. Show us how you are our first fruits of our inheritance and everything else follows. We surrender our vision of the future. Show us in your time, your new blueprints.


  • Jesus I repent for any family-line, church, ethnic, national, geographic, time season or any other macro system connected to me that is protecting itself and doing your job around the ruler false trio.  Jesus send this to heaven. 

  • God I repent for any system that would hamper the develop of my emotional maturity and my ability to birth self, gifts, skills, calling, ministry on earth as it in Heaven.

  • I repent for where I have replaced those things with becoming someone else’s conscience or over-riding their behavior, or allowing myself to be overridden. I repent where I don’t want on earth as it is in Heaven. I forgive all who taught me do your job to protect myself.

  • Holy Spirit, Father God, Jesus:  I allow you to give me the mother, father, brother blessing. 

  • Holy Spirit, I receive any specifics you want to show me.

    [ Listen for response from the Father. ]
    [ Listen for response from the Holy Spirit. ]

“This is My beloved son/daughter in whom I am well-pleased.”


Repent for making others false handmaidens: 

  • Hierarchies of external value. Hierarchies of labor.

  • Orphan / slave roles affecting honor of brothers/sisters.

  • Valuation based on external excellence markers.

Receive / give blessing of belonging:

  • Equal dignity.

  • Cooperative working together. Inheritance mindset resulting in cooperation.

  • Intrinsic value and belonging.

[ Listen for how Christ the bridegroom is blessing you and your brothers/sisters. ]


God I repent for where I don’t want on earth as it is in Heaven around _____ where I  have soul kids that believe:

  • The Holy Spirit doesn’t know anything about real estate, Wall Street, politics.

  • If you have successful surgery, it was the surgeons; not Christ through the surgeons.

  • Double standard: either miracles are natural coincidences or we are disqualified from them.

Holy Spirit:  where am I supposed to be saying Yes to live more from my Heaven life?

[ Wait on the Spirit. Ask God to show you what He’s giving you. ]

  • God, thank you we are imaged as masculine and feminine.

  • I repent for me, any part of me, or anything connected to me (family line, church, geography, time season, etc.) where we have done your job to protect ourselves from your supernatural love, and being in charge of masculinity and femininity.

  • I repent for any less conscious part of my that actually doesn’t want Heaven on earth on this topic. I forgive all those who taught me to do your job here.

    I receive more of your love, on earth as it is in Heaven.”

    [ Listen for response from the Holy Spirit. ]



I am raising you with a maturity necessary to fulfill the wonderful plans I have set for you. “When you were a child, you talked, thought, and reasoned like a child.  When you became a man, you put childish ways behind you.”  (I Corinthians 13:11)

As you grow, notice how immediate cravings fail to dominate you, how quickly you forgive others, and the greater authority you command over creation.  It is a pleasure to share the Kingdom of My presence within you, brightening reality.

There is much land to take, and I will need you properly equipped.  You would not send a child out to do the mission of an adult.  Nor will I.  I give you the tools of perfecting your way, as a portion of the many gifts covered in My love.  They are yours for the taking.

Life is wondrous and beautiful.  Yet it is passing away as “a breeze that does not return.” (Psalm 78:39)  So live what I have for you.  Enjoy it wisely.  Drink it in.  All of it. 

I never hold back toward My people whom I love.  Do not hold back either.  Open your heart to receive  more of who I am for you.

”But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.”
Hebrews 5:14