Pentecost Birthing

0:00:00 - Atmosphere prayer
0:24:05 - Talk
0:59:06 - Prayer


Mami Onami on divine fem energy [PG-13]


The angels are fascinated by how you consistently trust Me to direct your existence. 

For Me to serve more effectively, remember that attempts to lead with your earthly efforts will be short-lived, causing consternation.  The illusion of autonomous control is an enemy deception, aimed at separating you from your inheritance.  I've promised to take care of you, and I am far more capable of doing so.  

The strategy of the darkness is to gradually confine you into a prison of self-protection, restricting My help.  Since I will not be submit to a jail, choose your freedom by surrendering to the reality of My unending, diligent love for you.  Enjoy the assurance that I am here in the midst of it all, rescuing you into a more secure future.

When you feel painful yearning upon facing a difficult situation, turn to the Spirit for guidance.  You will often sense a specific job that I’m asking for, that your soul is trying to manage.  By doing this, you’ll free your spirit, increasing contentment, confidence, and power wherever this life finds you.

True heartfelt relinquishing of concerns is the only way you can liberate heavenly life, which is the gift of Christ Jesus, your Lord and rescuer. 

”Jesus submitted to the Father, who put all things under Him so that God may be all in all.”
I Cor 15:28