God’s Dream in Yours

0:00:00 - Atmosphere prayer
0:44:12 - Talk
1:33:40 - Breaouts


From Anne W just before the breakouts.
What it feels like to do shadow work


“It is Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.”  Luke 12:32. As you experience this on smaller scales, you will develop the confidence to experience it on larger.

So often when I act in the natural, it is the culmination of the seeking, nurturing, resting, and receiving with Me, expanding My presence into the seeming abyss of what appears a hopeless place. 

I am ever working on your behalf as you present yourself to Me throughout the time of your earthly life and the various trials it bears.  As I’ve told you, I am with you always.  We live together.

So rest with Me today.  I desire to fill you with more beauty, gifts, and victory to bring deeper fulfillment in every area you encounter.  Expect more of Heaven’s outpouring.  I have covenanted with My people to carry out awesome and wonderful things, both on this side of eternity and in the next.  Bear with Me always and do not allow yourself to think you are a victim of your circumstances. 

I am doing a mighty work and I never do one thing.  My end results for your desires involve far more than what appears.  I am drawing you into deeper relationship, where My love changes you first on the inside.  Realize this as you are tempted to murmur for what you deem lack of results.  It is so much more.

As you seek My face, you’ll better see how I am providing what you need from Heaven, in My loving design for your life.

“He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”
Ecclesiastes 3:11