Kingdoms in the Kingdom (1/2)
0:00:00 - Atmosphere prayer
0:23:31 - Talk: Kingdoms in the Kingdom
1:11:59 - Breakout sessions
30 Rock - Seeing the World Through Your Eyes
(from audio at 15:15)
Receive more of My love for you. Let it soak into you, and be absorbed in who I am. My light of love shines like no earthly love and is unlike what many deem love. It is not so much to be understood as it is to be experienced.
My love is not based on worth for all your worth is in Me, so it is a complete love, one that originates from all of who I am. It is this bond of life that you are caught up in.
My power is in My love, a source so great nothing can withstand it. Once genuinely touched, you can never go backwards for My love purely draws, heals, and cleanses. It is what all need to find their way in this broken world.
I have pledged covenant love from My entire heart, where the reality of who I am to you comes forth.
Receive it—all of it.
“Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.”
I John 4:16