Baby Math

0:00:00 - Atmosphere prayer
0:31:13 - Talk
1:08:27 - Breakouts


Jessica’s Daily Affirmation


The fruit of the Spirit is more evident in your life than you realize.  Your spirit is a direct source of Mine.  

What is the next thing we can do together?  The story of the Book of Acts lives on.  I long to take the Body to greater heights of miracle love-working power.  

Take My love with you and as we progress toward our next incredible achievement.  You never truly know how I will manifest until you shine more of My light into that area.  Be willing to expand the boundaries of your promised land by stepping up and stepping out for the sake of My Kingdom.

So great a price has been paid for you.  Your value is beyond what you can imagine.  I would not entrust My precious nature to anyone unless they had surrendered to My worthiness.  The gift of the life of Christ has made you worthy and empowered to carry out greater works.

Rejoice that you are Mine.  This is your inheritance from the Father.  Let the world know that I am a living God, relevant everyday, and always eager to evidence paradise in and through you.

Whoever trusts me will do the works I have been doing, and even greater things than these.
John 14:12