Prayer Matrix
0:00:00 - Atmosphere prayer
0:27:56 - Prayer Matrix
0:51:53 - Step 1 - Repentance
0:53:06 - Step 2 - Send to Heaven
0:58:56 - Step 3 - Ghost Healing
1:07:59 - Step 4 - Child Parts
1:18:58 - Step 5 - Forgiveness
1:26:27 - Sabotage Parts
1:30:37 - Step 6 - Gaining Gravity
1:32:32 - Step 7 - Sowing Communion
1:37:48 - Prayer Scripts
1:50.56 - Breakout sessions
See how we sit together on the throne of God? Is this too much to believe in? Since it is My gift to you to share in the divine nature, then remember who you are: united to the one and only source of meaning and joy in this life and the next.
Shun any futility from investing mainly in the temporal realm. You can manifest far greater rewards by drawing from our shared accounts, directing additional transfers from your Heavenly equity.
Otherwise corrupted earthbound slavery systems will attempt to subtly slip into your everyday thinking so as to rule your reactions. And then one’s agency is slowly stolen from them, as they head straight into a defeated life.
However, in all cases you and I are a victorious overcomers. (Psalm 18:35) Too many of My beloved forget to access special joy from this reality, even though they are in the midst of My presence.
As you receive an increase of the true riches of the Kingdom, you automatically displace the craving to chase after false gods.
At any and all times you are always welcome, invited, and encouraged to respond to life events according to My loving presence within your heart’s temple.
As you share My throne, I also share your throne.
"To you overcomers, I will grant you to sit with me in my throne, even as I overcame, and sit with my Father in his throne.”
Revelation 3:14