First Fruits to Second Fruits
0:00:00 - Atmosphere prayer
0:37:08 - First Fruits to Second Fruits
1:28:42 - Breakout sessions
Biggest Little Farm Film
Heart Attachment Ministries - Bruce and Jean Hammond
Remember in this new season that you are with Me.
As we step from the land of “just enough” into where only mercy carries you, we enter into new land set aside for abundant life.
Progress may seem daunting, but each surrender of your concerns to Me will more than be returned with My overflow.
Enjoy Me by your side as your mighty companion, and do not let the giants in the new territory trouble you. Rather, be even more transformed into the warrior you already are, and know that they are truly terrified of us. I am on target to recover what is Mine to give you.
I have made you to be free as I am free. To yearn backwards for yesterday’s safety is to re-enslave yourself to the old. Even as we take milestone revitalizing rests, forward is the direction.
Each advance into your destiny may feel like you are falling into Me with deeper abandon. This is certainly true, but the required additional discipline is often merely a reclaiming of what you have already released to Me—time, labor, stewardship, relationships, technology, lifestyles.
So trust with Me a zeal for the prize. There is extraordinary bucolic beauty wherever we live together in love—Me and you!
"In view of God’s mercy, offer your bodies as living sacrifices,
holy and pleasing to God—as your spiritual act of worship."
Romans 12:1