Economies of Anointing

0:00:00 - Atmosphere prayer
0:45:38 - Talk
1:37:51 - Prayer


Your maturation in My Kingdom flourishes over a lifetime, and with it the awareness of your own royal identity.  The realization of this is an essential element of your existence.

When your path is beset by challenges, the enemy will invite you to unfurl banners of fear, dejection, and self-pity.  These are attempts to dim your perception of our combined authority.   

Evil arrows are defeated by surrendering them to Me.  And they are more easily extinguished early in the thought stage. 

Your mind is designed to relish numerous beautiful sentiments every day.  However, what is presented to you may require a discerning filter to dismiss any bondage being offered.   

The devil seeks a compromise.  Yet you have no one to fear.  The perfect defense is always surrender, to your defender the Lord. 

The light of the My presence suffocates the darkness.  Keep your face in the sunshine of Mine and we will overwhelm our foes.  

I love you too much to ever leave you unprotected.  Remember this, especially when you feel defeated and weary.  Let Me take the offensive for you, ensuring triumph, as you reign alongside Christ your King.

”Jesus’ face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as he light.”
Matthew 17:2