Resurrection Energy

0:00:00 - Atmosphere prayer
0:44:32 - Talk
1:47:00 - Group prayer


I love to meet with you, to commune with My people.

It is more about our being one than it ever is about what you’re doing for Me.  Let that stem from our union, for nowhere else can you know the depth of My call on your life and where I want you than in the time we spend together.

Wasn’t the cross about releasing covenant life between us, enjoying eternity together in the love of the family of God? 

All I do for you is My way of reaching out, drawing you in, calling you My own.  My intent is always closeness.

Within My gifts for you, please do not lose sight of Me.  This life is about relationship.  I long for all My people—the entire earth and everyone in it—to experience Me more, to know I love them passionately.

When our relationship is strong, it breeds a multiplicity of fruit:  fellowship with your brothers and sisters; deeper joy; the ability to trust Me more; healing; a richness to the day; a desire to serve; a hatred for sin; and peace knowing you are eternally loved.

Seek Me first in everything.  See Me everywhere.  I am with you always and My love never escapes you.  Come and partake of this banquet of grace I have for you right here, right now.   

”You are not strangers, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God.”
Ephesians 2:19