Angels and the Body

0:00:00 - Atmosphere prayer
0:44:56 - Talk on Angels and the Body
0:58:55 - Sensation 1 - Realms
1:05:12 - Sensation 2 - Strongholds
1:08:04 - Sensation 3 - Three Keys
1:14:24 - Sensation 4 - Alters, ghosts, witchcraft
1:20:33 - Sensation 5 - Critters, angels
1:27:45 - Breakouts


Seeing the angels of Dr. Peter Kreeft - YouTube
70x7 Reasons - Prayer Session

Mike Parsons - YouTube
Heavenly Encounters

Ally Kateusz - $1 eBook
Finding Mother Holy Spirit


I deeply appreciate how you enjoy the pursuit of My presence.  Keep in mind that I love your presence even more than you love Mine.

And remember to find Me disguised amidst the unrepentant, the unpleasant, the malicious, the slanderers, the repulsive, and the downtrodden.  Seek Me in those who you might naturally write off as disqualified.  

See Me also within yourself when you don’t feel worthy or when you feel far from My plans for your life.    

I am gradually revealing to you more of the surprising places where I dwell.

Though not everyone is enjoying a covenant communion with Me, all have a measure of My Spirit with which you can commune.  

You always have enough of Me within you to make an immediate impact on your world. 

Jonah ran from those he decided were unworthy, not realizing that I am living among all, sometimes especially in the least and lost.  So consult My Spirit’s discernment, and do not do the choosing of who is worthy, for I call everyone safely under My rescuing protection. 

Notice how My face shines through yours.  Don’t pre-assess how bright I am within you, and how others can see what you don’t.  I am so often speaking to others wordlessly through your loving countenance.

Though unrecognized, I am constantly releasing mercy and vision, be it subtle or direct, to everyone for everyone.  “Freely you have received, freely give.”  (Matthew 10:8)

It is My pleasure that all experience their inheritance of heavenly glory, direct from My heart to each heart, as I have purposed since before their creation.

Whoever has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet shuts his hear, how does the love of God abide?
I John 3:17