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Let Me heal you more expansively.  The Lord God is so much more than songs, prayers, visions, thoughts—anything you can attempt to conceive of Me falls universes short of the least of My power.

I transcend the earthly realm so greatly―and yet live at your center so magnificently.  Trust Me more deeply, for covenant love is truly the only vehicle I can give to My people to tap into My awesome being.  There is no other faculty you possess that can begin to touch this.

Intellect, imagination, deep thoughts are earthly gifts I give you, but by themselves they bring you no closer to My victory.  This is why My graces are as open to the learned as to the uneducated, even to those lame of mind.

It is the spirit within you that overcomes all, for it is your connection to the eternal.  Live from here more.  You already have My presence inside.  Books and treatises are only helpful to the extent they might light a spark, but it is only loving communion that brings creative, life-changing power.