UNCORKcreative Gallery
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Artist Statement: Karen Schoenmaker —
Uprooted Ash Tree
“My project goal for the UNCORKcreative Summer Mastermind was to re-recreate the “Uprooted Ash Tree” — a Childhood Play-Filled Adventure. I wanted to used Baltic Sea Drift Wood and Latvian Amber; a part of my Latvian Heritage.
The wood frame was taken from an old hay wagon we used in the summer to haul hay. What really happened during the process of this creative art adventure was the awareness that angels can appear as ponies and God redeems all things!
Driftwood Pieces
Driftwood Pieces
I don’t know how Holy Spirit pulled it off but during this process of creating trees, but she was able to bring me to the feminine woman that was lost/frozen in a root system of “Powering Over for Control “ and “self effort”.
And so, with these pieces of driftwood I get to tell a different story then my parents.
A Redeeming Story - the Latvian Refugee Story to be retold as “the Unfrozen Chosen Feminine part of God “.
She invites you to email her with any further revelations of the unfrozen feminine.
If you would like a Birthing of the Unfrozen Feminine pendant or key chain, shoot her a message with your home address. What a beautiful way to heal!
Contact Karen
3d Me 3d Tree
Redeeming Mom and Me
Birthing the Unfrozen Woman
Artist Statement: Emily Sands —
“During our first Creative Mastermind community prayer time, God encouraged me to start dancing again.
This area had been shut down from bullying in high school and remained mostly dormant for over 26 years.
The community was there to help me when I encountered obstacles and gave me space to be my real self.
During the summer I explored different genres of dance and started to take salsa/bachata classes locally.
The journey has been not just a rediscovery of dance but of joy in my life. Thank you Lord!”
Contact Emily
Artist Statement: Anne Wimer —
'Prayers Under a Blue Moon' is a poetic picture of the deconstruction of faith and the processing of emotional and spiritual trauma. 'Prayers...' also points to the eventual healing and recovery that came as a result of the poetic expression, therapy and inner healing prayer work.
Contact Anne
Purchase the book Prayers Under a Blue Moon on Facebook Marketplace.
Artist Statement: Dave Nevins —
Access Dave’s update, philosophy, and audio samples in the file below (6min., MP3)
Artist Statement: Zia Nevins —
I needed something different. My soul was raw for a different approach. I want(ed) childlike knowing more than credentialed professionalism. I want(ed) to connect to something brave and experimental. I want(ed) to make space to throw caution to the wind, give and receive with fellow journeywomen and men in trust - to just see what happens. Perhaps most importantly, a place to be witnessed with compassion. A place to get to the he(art) of the matter over life and over the work.
So. . . . I convinced Dave Nevins (see audio work above) to collaborate with me to attract those brave folks for this Mastermind!
And it worked!
Attached are a few pics on my work unfolding. It would take a longer piece to describe what I'm doing in each piece, but suffice it to say, we've begun. Not sure what's going to happen next, but I was consistently inspired toward forward momentum that I haven't felt in several years.
In particular, my sense of place is being reawakened. Enjoy!
My land sculpture at Kirk in the Hills. The “water tunnel”
Painting my hallway at Russell Industrial Center.
At Sussex after the first mow. Shell shocked after some hard news regarding the project.
Objects floating in the land sculpture. Up-close shot.
Objects floating in the land sculpture. Up-close shot.
Vanessa’s letter and baby bunting that gave the the courage to rip up the carpet in living and dining room areas, i.e. not give up. Feeling that Mother Holy Spirit flow.
After a few days. The temporal nature of the work exposed.
An up-close look at the bronze piece.
Guest ready in the dining room at Sussex. Seeing the blessed space in a new way.
(1) Cut tiles ready to be added as leaves
When I first heard about this UNCORKcreative Summer Mastermind, I immediately wanted to participate even though I wasn't sure how I would fulfill the creativity part. However, I'm usually up for the challenge to expand my comfort zone. So, I signed up!
My first idea for a project was more of a "safe" creative project. I thought I would just complete a study about spiritual vision. At that time, I was convinced that I was spiritual blind and unable to see spiritually and I thought such a study would build my faith, and my sight. Well, during that study, it did not take very long to discover that anybody who knows Jesus is not spiritually blind. I was believing a lie. Anyone who knows Jesus can see spiritually, but the gift must be nurtured and it will grow.
(2) Kitchen project
We were given an assignment to create some kind of Tree Art. So, I traded in my "safe" project and started on my Tree. The material I used were left over tiles from when I renovated my kitchen and my bathroom. The material meant something to me and represented what I created in my home, and I took scraps and made something meaningful.
(3) Bathroom project
The tree bark and branches are made from pieces of ceramic tile and the leaves on the tree are glass tiles used on the back splash and shower. Please notice that at this time, there are only six leaves. You see, so far I have shared six visions and each vision that I shared, I started out the disclosure by saying "I'm going out a limb here, but I saw ......". It was only natural to add a leaf to the tree for each prophetic vision. I fully intent on continuing to share my visions so the these trees will be full of leaves!!
To the participants of the UNCORKcreative Summer Mastermind, I want to thank you all for giving a safe space that we all were able to grow and bond.
During discussions with the Creative Group, I explained that I would have random thoughts about someone, you know - just-out-of-the-blue. I was encouraged to share those thoughts. So, I went out on a limb and shared them. I discovered those thoughts weren't random and actually meant something to the receiver.
We were given an assignment to create some kind of Tree Art. So, I traded in my "safe" project and started on my Tree. The material I used were left over tiles from when I renovated my kitchen and my bathroom. The material meant something to me and represented what I created in my home, and I took scraps and made something meaningful.
(4) New LIFE!
Contact Ron
Artist Statement: Emily Carlson —
"Feeling stuck or stagnant in life? Well, you're not alone friend, I've been feeling that way a lot lately. For a long time.
Especially in the area of creativity and community. That part of me was like a dry well in the desert. But this summer, something shifted in me a little during the Creative Mastermind. I started drawing again, playing music more, and writing a bit again. It was good to connect and grow with like-minded companions on the journey and to give and receive encouragement and feedback. I felt more inspired. I allowed God to dig a little deeper into that dry well, and then things slowly started flowing. Some themes emerged in the drawings I made during the summer such as freedom, protection, love and power. The drawings are metaphorical and reflect images that came to me intuitively. A phoenix bird shows up in a few of the drawings in different aspects, representing, I believe, different ways God is involved up in our lives and shows us His love, care, and rescue."
Mothering of God
From the Ashes
Let Me heal you more expansively. The Lord God is so much more than songs, prayers, visions, thoughts—anything you can attempt to conceive of Me falls universes short of the least of My power.
I transcend the earthly realm so greatly―and yet live at your center so magnificently. Trust Me more deeply, for covenant love is truly the only vehicle I can give to My people to tap into My awesome being. There is no other faculty you possess that can begin to touch this.
Intellect, imagination, deep thoughts are earthly gifts I give you, but by themselves they bring you no closer to My victory. This is why My graces are as open to the learned as to the uneducated, even to those lame of mind.
It is the spirit within you that overcomes all, for it is your connection to the eternal. Live from here more. You already have My presence inside. Books and treatises are only helpful to the extent they might light a spark, but it is only loving communion that brings creative, life-changing power.
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