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Uncork Genius is an effective prayer and coaching ministry from Zia and Dave Nevins, specializing in uncommon strategies for difficult challenges.  

Read the testimonies below! The results are healing that only God can do.


Vibrant Faith — Addressing Core Needs of Women of Color in Leadership
led by CeCelyn (CeCe) Dennis

Leadership II — Building Community Economies of More Fruitful Living
led by Zia & Dave Nevins

More Info and SIGN-UP Link!

WELCOME PACKET — keys to success


“Genius” is from a Latin root (genesis) and meant “birthing that innate special-ness only you can live.” Zia and her team provide strategic mentoring toward creative healing — helping “uncork” more of the Holy Spirit genius within.

HEALING! — This may seem out-of-reach, but specific answers have included removing marriage blocks, physical healing (incl. autoimmune, cancer, emotional sickness), restoring dis-associative trauma parts, restoring creativity calling, and most importantly more direct experience of God’s love.

"I have come that you may experience life to the full."  John 10:10

Watch a summary of our process:
Five Ways to Speed Up Your Healing Breakthrough — YouTube series!

Zia Nevins


In the healing program, I have been listening the recordings again and again and they really help me. I slowly start to resonate with different things that at first didn’t really catch my attention. I am really grateful for those recordings and more in general I am grateful for the fruits that have come of having contacted you guys and praying a little more like you do, because all in all I have been feeling a lot better since the session and I have been noticing little things working out where they didn’t before. The feeling of being on the right track, by allowing God to be in charge and not trying so hard myself is such a blessing and is making a huge difference. I have had prayer times in which I truly felt directed by the Lord to pray about certain things and also to not pray about others. This is something I hadn’t experienced before and it makes me really happy.
— Gijs A.
UNCORKelevate has been a tremendous blessing to me. This ministry saved my life in many ways. I praise God for His guidance. This is true Kingdom work.
— CeCe D.
I truly appreciate Zia and her commitment to growing in the Lord and helping others. I had several sessions with her and initially I did not understand why we did things the way we did, but I stayed with it. I was completely unaware of what I was operating under. She kept on zoning in on these things and taught me how to pray through them. I was only used to praying as “formula” and going about my day. It was about a full year later that I started noticing the impact of our interactions, and it has been a powerful seed that flourished as time went by. These are the sessions that brought me back, that God is love! In particular, I appreciate the prophetic words she spoke over me that have unfolded. It’s a very transitional season of my life and to know that God had a plan all along is so humbling. God slowly reeled me in, and it’s been the best so far. I have experienced growth in every area of my life since I arrived here. I remain grateful that she has been a part of my walk with the Lord and I continue to grow in that direction.
— Linda T.
I’m sitting here reviewing notes from yesterday’s Elevate Mentoring Class and in between my tears, there’s a sense of gratitude. Holy Spirit led me to Uncork, then I got into Cohorts then Elevate. I’m extremely thankful of the gift imparted to Zia and Dave they make a special team. I just wanna brag on Zia for a minute, Zia’s ability to describe and identify the origins of thoughts and especially emotions we as believers are struggling with is profound. Often she will state what she is hearing and my spirit is saying ‘dude I have been trying to get you to see this for a while now, hello...’
— Hans C.
Zia is exquisitely gifted with laser accuracy to see through decades and/or generations to the seed of current issues. I’ve never met anyone who operates with this level of precision accompanied by such great grace! She is an amazing gift to the body of Christ for such a time as this.
— Brenda B.
For those who are just getting to know Zia, I would like to say that her heart is just as genuine as can be. This is necessary for the work she has been called to do. When my daughter was on life support and I was told that there was nothing that could be done, due to her battle with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, Zia called forth the prayer band and kept my daughter in their prayers. She got the pastor of her church to come down to pray for our daughter at the hospital. My daughter was touched by her prayer chain and today my daughter has been blessed with the touch of the creator of this universe for a second chance at life. I am a living witness to the power of God and prayers. May the Blessings Be.
— Charles K.
Working with Zia in the spiritual realm has proved more beneficial than years of therapy. I am an extensive researcher and a fighter who has gone after my issues tenaciously and with an open mind to try new things. But despite nearly a decade of constant prayer & repentance, self-help groups, and thousands of dollars spent on counseling, neuro-feedback therapy, bodywork massage, applied kinesiology, medication, supplements, etc., etc.; I found myself still troubled by intrusive thoughts and behaviors around bulimia/anorexia, PTSD, self-harm, depression & anxiety, and suicidal ideation. Enter Zia. She has clear and detailed visions of Jesus rescuing the traumatic, fractured pieces of my past; she walks me through cleansing generational lines and demonic strongholds & agreements. And rather than just “talking at” Jesus and straining to hear that “still, small voice,” Zia has real-time back-and-forth conversations with Jesus as we invite Him in to do his rescuing and healing work. If you are thinking that sounds too “out-there” for you, let me add a couple more things. Zia’s approach is very practical and straight-forward — no dramatics or super-charged emotions in an effort to conjure up a forced spiritual experience. Many of her insights, while always prompted by the Spirit, are real-world, concrete, and logical. Currently I have had about six sessions with Zia. Thoughts and behaviors that I was convinced I would never shake have evaporated. My mind is clearer and I feel in-charge inside my own head. Emotionally, I am more consistently at peace and have more joy than at any other point in my life. Interacting with Jesus the way we do in session has given me a sense of reparation for the years of constant abuse, injustices, and mind-games I suffered as a child. But not only that, prayer counseling with Zia has brought restoration, healing, and forgiveness on the deepest levels of my being that every other process I’ve been through in the past has been unable to touch.
— Mary A.
When I first met Zia is was like a breath of fresh air to me. I was thirsty for the freedom of the Spirit and this is what I found with her. Zia has a unique prophetic gift and she ministers from a place of ease, fun, compassion and disarming honesty. In every session I am just blown away by the accuracy and precision with which she discerns the Lord’s voice. You can tell how a lot about the scope and the depth of her relationship to Him from her profound and often surprising insights into what’s going on spiritually. Since starting the sessions I have been able to let go of many false identities and ideas about how I thought God/church wanted me to be and began to trust His unique calling for my life.
— Yasmin O.
Zia is tremendously sensitive to the Holy Spirit. She described what was happening in the spirit, and I immediately started feeling those very same responses in my body and emotions. Very powerful and intense prayer.
— Lori G.
Zia has a unique laid back style of relational ministry that operates in great authority. Her insights and knowledge of the ways of God break apart strongholds and allow healing to flow in a huge way. I have personally been set free from effects of sexual abuse that were tormenting and painful. At first, the enemy was mad, but after a few months, I have been walking in more victory than ever! I was dealing with a lot of fear and powerlessness in my primary relationships. Now I feel secure, bolder, and confident in my communications with my nearest and dearest.
— Michelle S.
Zia is a powerhouse to work with. I appreciate the way she speaks life with Love and Truth. Zia has walked with me through some dark moments and brought me through in victory. My favorite is how she reminds me of my personal value and strength in helping others.
— Daniel O.
I thank God for leading me to Zia! Her ministry has been such a blessing to me! Ever since I can remember, I have been oppressed by the enemy and have endured demonic torment. Zia is very sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s voice, so she has been able to get to the root causes of many of the strongholds that have held me captive for years. Zia possesses what the church today seems to lack: understanding, power, and authority. I have been to many pastors and church leaders who have deliverance ministries, but they don’t usually address issues concerning inner healing and alters. Thankfully, Zia is very knowledgeable, and she works through the power of the Holy Spirit to bring redemption of the soul!
— Chantelle S.
Sessions with Zia were relaxing. Each session was different and unique. What I liked about my sessions with Zia was that she is super prophetic and encouraging. Receiving her ministry confirmed some of the calling that I had on my life and I see (my gifting) myself more clearly than before.
— Andy W.
Zia’s prayer engagements have been powerful, deep and authentic.
— Rick P.
Peace is where restoration is. Restoration occurs after healing. We never realize how deep our wounds are until someone or something touches it. Healing is necessary for things to be restored and made whole. That is what Constanzia is gifted in. The process of healing that allows God to restore. Her heart and spirit are what makes the process bearable. When I first spoke with Constanzia I was carrying lots of wounds from my past. I was very easily triggered by others. How they responded to me. What I thought they thought of me. But praying with Zia we dig into generational pain. How I saw myself but what I saw was NOT what God was showing me. Taking the mask off allowed me to not be easily triggered. Allowed me to see myself more in my spirit identity. It also helped me to recognize the Lie that the Enemy was whispering and helped me to cast it down and not agree with it. That is huge. I’m so grateful for how she handled me. With Grace and love.
The insight and transparency she shares makes you desire to be healed even more.
— Sherie B.
Zia has an incredible gift of discernment. She is able to sense the spiritual climate around a person, and also one’s feelings and emotions, and pray through these. There have been quite a few emotions and attitudes I had that Zia discerned through ministering with the Holy Spirit. I believe this method of healing is extremely powerful, as it bypasses huge amounts of time wasted in counseling, which can be like dogs chasing rabbits. Especially when generational problems are the cause and only God really knows what happened in the past. Zia was very effective at tuning into difficulties caused by generational sins. She also brings a joyful attitude to the sessions.
— Don L.
Zia has been a real blessing to me. She has been able to see past the spirits I feel and that trouble me to get through to the real me and minister deliverance. For over three years I had real pressure on my right side of my head. I knew it was oppression and I would use scripture, fasting, and prayer to make it stop. It would only last for a little bit. Zia was able to see what it really was and we prayed and until last night it hasn’t returned. This was over a month ago. When it happened last night I rebuked by name and it disappeared. The last few weeks my eyesight was getting real blurry and there was a spirit coming against me to block my gifts. She saw the cloak and my eyesight has been fine. I’m very thankful. I was about to go the eye doctor and get some glasses. She saved me time and money. I just don’t get attacked spiritually but whatever attack comes against me it effects me physically as well. I have a friend who is struggling too. I didn’t hesitate to recommend Zia to her. I told my friend that Zia is able to see past the spirits and minister true deliverance. I don’t know if she has reached out to her yet but I am praying that she does. I really desire to see her free. Thank Zia! God Bless.
— Leanne P.
If you’ve ever polished tarnished silver or brass, you know how amazing it is when it starts to shine. This is how I would describe Zia’s ministry and how it’s impacted me. She is one of God’s restoration artists, bringing to light the harmful lies that we often allow to mask the awesome gifts and purposes He has given us, and helping to lead us out of those lies to freedom. There are things I might never have realized about myself if she hadn’t revealed them to me—not her alone of course, but the Holy Spirit speaking through her, in her own humble, gentle, and creative way.
“Instead of bronze I will bring gold, instead of iron I will bring silver; Instead of wood, bronze; instead of stones, iron. I will appoint peace your governor, and justice your ruler.” (Isaiah 60:17). This is exactly what God wants to do for each one of us, to take away our junk, show us our best selves, and make us shine for Him. Zia is one of his very unique instruments for doing just that. I thank the Lord for her!
— Bob F.
Zia has been a gift from God to me. I deeply appreciate her friendship, pastoral care, her prayer for me, her skills in hearing God and her ability to almost effortlessly lead me in inner healing along with the Holy Spirit. Being friends, we often just start with a normal convo (not even looking to swim in inner healing waters in those times) when suddenly she drops a line that will reverberate or resonate through me - and I know that the Holy Spirit is behind that. It’s very impacting - in the best of ways!

Zia has a special and unique capability to understand and teach about personalities, spiritual structures, inner healing, and why people are what they currently are and what they do. Her tremendous insight has been beneficial to me on many levels as she has been able to translate “Heidi” to me! That might sound a bit silly - but as a deep thinker and feeler - there have been times when I’ve lacked the verbiage to explain something about me to someone (and this bothers me immensely). Zia has filled in the gaps and helped me to find the words to match the feelings and experiences at times. I deeply appreciate her deep insight!

Thank you Zia for being such a blessing to myself and others through your ministry at UncorkGenius and beyond! Your ministry and partnership with the Holy Spirit is changing lives in the best of ways - you are a gem! I appreciate how you shine brightly for Jesus Christ!
— Heidi G.
Inner healing is a gift we should all participate in. Zia’s kind heart, Godly wisdom and training make her an excellent leader in this area. Her Eyes and ears are wide open to Holy Spirit and she is fully directed by His voice.
— Mark W.
Constanzia has been a catalyst in my beginning an intense healing with God that I have been waiting to receive for years but needed someone to shed some light into my stuck situation. Constanzia did just that. Her wisdom and insight is truly God given. She has helped expose the lies that were a part of my thought patterns and helped initiate the start of the Lord untangling parts of my life that were holding me back. She has helped me understand and embrace who God has created me to be. I am walking freer and ready to start pursuing my God given talents and desires that have been sitting dormant. Constanzia engages with honour, compassion and enthusiasm. I highly recommend her.
— Anna B.
Constanzia is an unusually gifted channel for the wisdom of God. I have known her well for several years and can vouch to the unique spiritual strength she can impart on others. She is direct light from heaven. When you have an issue that you can’t quite get to the root of, consultation with her will save one from lot of unnecessary striving. She is impressively talented in many aspects: pure-hearted, supernatural inspiration, rare insight, constant faith, and great company. Enjoy!
— David N.
Zia, as I know her, for as long as I’ve known her has given consistent, brilliant, penetrating wisdom. I would send anyone I care about to her for counsel and a fresh perspective. Wisdom has blossomed in her like a brussel sprout - packed with nutrition, and sweeter for the rough weather she’s personally been through. Zia’s also very much like a hard working miner, and her determination and resolve to get to the root of a problem shows up in the time she’s willing to invest in prayer with a person. Her bright faith and reassuringly mature perspective is a great fit for a personal coach. Be blessed!
— Owusu A.
Zia always seems to know the heart of God at any given time. She would look at me and often say a timely word of affirmation or encouragement. She brought a peace into the conversation. Gentle, loving Spirit that imparted a sense of God’s Love.
— Dan V.
Each time Zia’s prayers and prophetic words for me were always encouraging and “right on.”
I always felt blessed.
— Maria B.
Zia is warm yet straight forward in providing the messages she receives from the Holy Spirit. She truly has a heart for Christ and serves Him through her gift of prayer. Her style is authentic, down-to-earth, and centered on the Holy Spirit’s truths.
— Sabrina R.
Powerful and insightful intercessor.
— Ellen E.
Zia clearly hears from the Lord and her prayers and words for me have offered hope in times of doubt, clearer direction for my own prayer times, and a loving reminder of just how close the Lord is to us and desires to communicate with us. She lives in a way that shows her heart’s desire is to be obedient to God’s call and be a clean vessel to carry out His work, His way, regardless of the cost.
— Jim G.
The greatest impact was not only the engagement of Dave and Zia with our community, but the release of the teaching on the redemptive gifts of the Holy Spirit. It not only gave identity to those who gave ear, but also helped to release a sense of purpose to many. Your concern and caring have proven to be appreciated by many!
Before I met Dave and Zia I came to a place in my spiritual journey that was like a wall, I couldn’t go through it, around it or over it. Two weeks before my prayer session Dave and Zia we’re praying and activated their prayer warriors. Immediately I noticed cracks in the wall. Before and after the prayer sessions I now say the wall has been obliterated. My gifts from the Holy Spirit have been strengthened and emboldened. I’ve learned to keep my hedge of protection fortified and completely supplied with the correct and abundance of ammunition. Another way to describe what has taken place is this. There’s a scene in Jesus of Nazareth I liken my experience to when explaining. It goes like this: Jesus heals a blind man in the temple. The Pharisees question him afterwards. They said, “are you saying this man healed you? Only God can heal and forgive sins! The blind man responds, “I don’t know, I don’t know, I do know I was blind but now I see!” I painstakingly discerned if I should go outside my church and do the prayer session. I am blessed to have let the Spirit lead me and I am confident God‘s will is being done. If they’re not against him they are for him. Jesus assures us we will know who is with him and who is against. God is certainly using Dave and Zia to help heal their brothers and sisters in Christ. I am eternally grateful.
Zia is a humble and uncompromising prophetic voice. We feel incredibly grateful to know her and to have been invited to join in our walk together in Christ. She blesses all with her integrity, creativity, unflinching courage and bravery. Dave has gifted us us confirmations and solid instruction in the Spirit. Dave & Zia also share the joy of Jesus in unique and playful ways. Their sacred union and work serve as a model of the power, grace and love of Christ in our own everyday life, our creativity and play, worship, love and marriage.
I’ve known Dave and Zia for many years and can attest to their clear and heartfelt devotion to God. We have prayed together on multiple occasions, and they both possess unique gifts of hearing and insight from the Holy Spirit to whatever issue is being addressed. I recommend them highly.
— AMY B.
Well besides being made part of the family where I can find people to relate to and a place to belong, the exposing of inner parts I did not know I had and issues I needed to release to God has enabled me to accelerate my growth without having to drag so much baggage around.
— JOE W.
God definitely shows up during prayer with Dave & Zia; in my first session, He showed Zia my deepest known wound (something I had not spoken of), and healing was enabled. Terrific team, easy to talk to, and they definitely exhibit Jesus.
A lot of transformation and movement has taken place so it will be hard to adequately describe in words!  Zia has an amazing ability to partner with the Holy Spirit and hear his voice. Through prayer sessions she has uncovered the root cause of several obstacles and blocks in my life. As a result, we have been able address the blocks in prayer and find progress in many areas - specifically in my marriage, health, and ability to trust in God’s care and protection. I have received the grace and courage to allow God to be the driver in my car and enjoy the ride so much more! She has also helped me to balance and unlock the spiritual gifts that God has given to me.  God has been awakening and transforming me in an accelerated fashion since I first started meeting with Zia. He is definitely on the move through Uncork! 
On two separate occasions recently we prayed into heaviness/oppression afflicting someone in group and within a few minutes their overall demeanor and expressions are happier, peaceful and a they are joyful. The touch of Christ our Healer...each of them changed in that moment in time!
Zia has a great mix of in-depth knowledge, keen spiritual discernment, and a caring heart. She’s clarified things and helped me get through some road blocks in my life.
I’ve  gone back and forth from spiritual counselor to spiritual counselor, and only got so far in my progress of being free from the demonic powers that had affected my life for so long. It wasn’t until I met Zia, that she seemed to understand exactly what needed to happen, and how to keep the demonic forces from taking the ground we worked to reclaim.  I’ve never met anyone as knowledgeable/sensitive in the spirit realm as she. And I don’t know if I would still be here writing this testimonial without her help, or the gifting Father God has given her.
— BOB W.
I would like to thank God for Zia’s ministry.  Zia is very sensitive to Holy Spirit and to Jesus. She has helped me in connecting with Jesus to clear up the alien human spirits in my ancestral lines.  I deeply appreciate and honour it. It has helped me grow deeper in my walk with the Lord.
Zia has an incredible gift to see clearly what is holding a person back to walk in their destiny and gifts. UncorkGenius helped me see a lot of unconscious habits and systems in my life that was dictating my life-course. Through the help of Zia and her ministry I have been able to get free of unseen strongholds that have caused me a lot of grief in my life. I was able to take a lot of unmet trauma to Jesus and I have been seeing an accelerated growth in my life along with many blessings. If you feel stuck or like there is too much chaos in your life I cannot recommend UncorkGenius enough.
Once the athlete goes in for an MRI then they all can view what’s going on inside. I have experienced this as an athlete and as a client of UncorkGenius. Zia and Dave and their team are specialists. The deeper wounds they bring to light are so helpful. For example, as soon as I was asked a question was asked and something identified, the peaceful confirmation was immediate. I was asked to release a “false responsibility.” Afterward, a weight was lifted of off my shoulders after YEARS of shoulder pain. HEALED! KaBoom. It was awesome. All I did was agree, said “yes that is true” and in that agreement had peace. Praise God. I have been to a half a dozen healers and very gifted people: a licensed counselor, a chiropractic doctor trained in natural health and healing, a lady who does body work/ counseling, Christian healers. I can say with joyful conviction UncorkGenius operates at a deeper level. Sometimes it takes a couple days for me to experience the full impact and depth of healing, but Zia and Dave are fast and fun. They have years of experience and time with God who is the source, asking the Spirit for more. And for the creative folks it is also helpful to unlocking our creative juices and simple joy in the creative process. A sweet bonus. Be open. Trust the process. God loves you and wants you whole, using your genius for others. Expect great things.
— Rick T.
Dave and Zia have helped me discover my ministry to relatives who are dying but aren’t spiritually or emotionally ready for it. My cousin Steve recently died after a long series of illnesses. His family had been expecting him to die for two years. Two of his sisters kept vigil that went on for days. Inspired by my sessions with Zia, I asked both Steve and Jesus what still needed to happen. Immediately I knew that Steve feared being reunited with his parents because of trauma he had experienced in his relationship with them. I asked Jesus to assure Steve that heaven was a safe place. I asked Jesus to explain that he was taking Steve to the Father and that his parents had been transformed. Jesus and the Father would make sure Steve was safe. Steve died less than a day after I had that conversation with Steve and Jesus. I believe that was the conversation that needed to happen for Steve to enter Heaven peacefully. The uncorkGenius prayer coaching team has facilitated deep healing within me in places I didn’t know could be healed! The Holy Spirit has freed me and revealed great blessings to me. The sessions have opened my eyes to the many ways the Lord is opening new opportunities for me and strengthening me to me the person he wants me to be. Zia is even helping me stay faithful to my resolution to tell my story. Let the healing continue.
— Molly M.
One of my biggest fears has been being bedridden for an extended period. I’ve always had to keep running so that the anxiety wouldn’t get me. I kept having a cycling thought that all of a sudden I’m not going to be able to breathe while I’m stuck at the hospital and it really freaked me out. I started praying and asked Jesus to show me why I keep having this recurring thought and he showed me a vision of a part of me from when I was about 19 years old that lives in constant fear that he will all of a sudden suffocate. I was able to pray for that part and the anxiety calmed down and I got some rest. So I guess I’m slowly learning from you guys!
I had a lot of deliverance since I received Christ; however, I needed more freedom as the years went by, but I did not know how to proceed I prayed to Jesus to give me more freedom and he led me to UncorkGenius and through Zia’s gifting she was able to locate some of the roots of my problems. Zia’s ability to see through the family dynamics and through the bloodline gave me major breakthrough. After the first session I experienced a breakthrough in my finances and money started coming along with major healing from past hurts I felt my feelings were validated, so forgiveness was easier. After few sessions my relationship with my husband got better, the atmosphere in my house got better. I felt a lot of darkness was removed. I was able to see my gifting clearer. Something I was never aware of is the lies I believed about God, myself and others. They were so deeply rooted and so specific to me that I would have never guessed they were there. This revelation led to more breakthroughs. I strongly believe that Jesus gave Zia and Dave gifting to set the captives free. I enrolled in the course the Foundation of the Father s House which gave me new way of looking at my spiritual walk. I know now I m heading the right direction. Thank you Zia and Dave for taking the time to put all this together and following the Holy Spirit. It is a game changer.
I have been under a huge amount of pressure and attack. I was having a hard time determining where the open doors were. Through prayer sessions with Dave, the Holy Spirit revealed the source and I experienced a breakthrough and release. Praise God!
Zia and Dave are doing phenomenal work through the Holy Spirit. During their sessions with me, they have been a catalyst in order for me to be interconnected with the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and Father God. Through the Holy Spirit, Zia and Dave have impacted my life by teaching me experientially how to hear from God for myself. In this place of hearing from the Holy Spirit, I experienced emotional breakthroughs, and God has renewed my mind in ways I never thought possible. The Holy Spirit has also renewed relationships within my family and friends, where I had hit a wall in my strength.
I sought Zia’s help because I was struggling with a lack of manifestation in almost every area of my life — a problem I’d noticed for ten years but that had probably been with me my whole life. Seemed like nothing ever went right or succeeded, failure to thrive and never able to get up from under the boot of oppression. Since starting working with her I’m seeing situations changing and manifestations in a variety of areas: 1.) Even though we’ve both wanted it, my husband and I had struggled for two years being fully intimate in the way God designed. We’ve had breakthrough in this! 2.) Creativity has started to return and I’ve been able to pick up my sketchbook and canvas when normally even the thought of doing so would stress me out and cause tears. 3.) About a week after one of my sessions I woke up with a game changing floor plan for my living space and have since been able to tackle household and home improvement projects that would have been too overwhelming to plan or start before. Currently painting the bedroom — something I’ve wanted to do for 8 years. 4.) Something I’ve always dreamed about was working from home but couldn’t imagine a scenario where that would happen. Shortly after praying about my work situation, the world changed and I’ve had the chance to now work from home. Although I don’t believe God caused the pandemic, He did find a way to use the bad for good in my situation. It’s been powerful for me, as I’ve always felt I’ve “fallen through the cracks” and yet somehow I’m prospering more than ever even during this hard time. 
I’ve worked with many inner healing ministries over the years — nothing ever changed. Through the unique layer-by-layer style of ministry used by UncorkGenius, I have started to feel recognized by God, and started to feel He understands my heart for the deep things, the nuanced and the subtle. In my situation I felt like a numbed-out punching bag for life, but with His gentle approach I am beginning to feel hope and sensitivity flow back into my being. 
It is hard to express in words what I have experienced through the ministry of Dave and Zia. But do know that I have experienced the presence and love of Jesus in a tangible and undeniable way and that love has changed how I live my life. Growing up in a community where I saw the gifts of the Spirit used in harmful ways I was quite suspicious of any type of prayer ministry and my “bs detector” was on high alert. I can happily say I have encountered absolutely no “bs” and that I have encountered a redemption by experiencing the gifts of the Holy Spirit in a healing and restorative way. Through talking with Dave and Zia I have seen how much God has loved and continues to love me and not because of them per se but rather because they are always like a lighthouse that points me in the direction of God’s love and healing.
After years of seeking emotional health with varying success but no true freedom, I had the good fortune to be connected with Zia. Working with Zia has brought so many layers and levels of spiritual and emotional breakthrough. I used to be crippled with shame, self doubt, and insecurity that made it nearly impossible to maintain consistent, real relationships and profoundly affected my professional life. Over the months with Zia I’m finding a deeper connection with who I truly am. The shame and insecurity has been lifting and disappearing and life has been feeling more rich, fulfilling and fun. In our Zoom sessions Zia is able to hear, see and sense what God is wanting to do in and with me, and coupled with her intellectual insight we pray through those things. There are real results. Our sessions have never been dramatic nor have they made me feel uncomfortable. It’s a calm, positive experience. And I appreciate Zia’s honest, clear and fun communication style that isn’t couched in religious language or platitudes. She’s partnering with God to bring me healing, that’s the bottom line. I’m incredibly grateful.